I have been in a bit of a funk lately and haven't been writing much. And it's not that I haven't been enjoying wine, but just not finding the desire or the proper muse to inspire me. And to be honest, the wine hasn't been all that spectacular. I do enjoy my
Cardbordeaux and there have been some great deals. I've got a
Black Box Chardonnay in the pantry right now and I love that I can go get a glass when I want and not worry about it going bad before I finish it. But I'm just not feeling inspired enough to write about it, and when I do, even I get bored with it before I can finish an entire post. I've been doing a couple of internet wine clubs and they are both turning into more trouble then they are worth! I need to just spend more time at the local liquor store (only place in town with a good, affordable selection!) picking wines based on the label -- not sure why that gets such a bad rap.
As I've leaned into this funk, I have been looking for a new challenge something to be a new spark, to bring me out and back to my old self. I miss writing for fun. It's one of the reasons I started this blog and our family blog. As I was reading through some of my favorite wine Tweeters, I happened upon
The Drunken Cyclist and his Monthly Wine Writing Challenge. [Okay, so I don't know if it is actually HIS, but he has all the rules on
his site so I'm going with that it's HIS challenge.]
Is this the muse I have been seeking? The challenge is fairly open ended: fact or fiction, somehow related to wine and to the theme. I think this is it! I will call on the Muse Thalia for inspiration. Not just because she is the Muse of comedy, but it is said that
she discovered agriculture, which means she is the mother of Wine. So who better to call upon? Not sure how you call on a Muse ... Do Ancient Greeks understand modern technology? Will she tweet me or find me on Facebook? She's probably a fan of SnapChat which I haven't taken the time to figure out.
So, where do I go from here? I've started with a task reminder to look for the challenge monthly. Well, that's not true, I started by writing this post. THEN I put the reminder on the phone. Seriously, the Task Reminder is awesome. I get so scattered sometimes and these reminders -- even to remind me to remind my girls to get ready for tomorrow tonight -- make me feel more in control. Next, will be to hit publish & share this with the proper hashtag. #MWWC28
Wow. It is amazing how much better I feel just having a plan. No longer bobbing along, but pointed in a direction. And that is enough to make me Sm;)e
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