Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Murphy-Goode Cabernet Sauvignon

A very nice Cab. Rocky pulled this from the cellar last week and I had a glass or two with some burgers, which it went very well with! I believe this was part of wine club, but I'm not sure when and I think the tasting notes are packed & probably in South Dakota now. Correction! Going through photos on Facebook, this was actually picked out by my wonderful husband as a Mother's Day gift. Way to go Rocky! And as he did not spend more than $10 on any of the wines, I'm no longer calling this a splurge.

Murphy-Goode Winery is located North of San Francisco and I think would be worth a stop, when I finally take my Napa tour! This wine retails at their establishment for $15 ($12 if you are part of their wine club), so I would call this a splurge, but one that is worth it! but is available in grocery stores for under $10!

This Cab is dark and full bodied, strong aromas and tastes. Short finish with a slight cherry linger. I've always thought cabs should sit for a while and this one might have benefitted from another year or so, but I'm not going to complain too much. I've definitely enjoyed it and after all isn't that the point?

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